Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The First Day Of School: A Seven Period Day

So our school goes by block scheduling. On Blue Days we have 90 minute sessions of classes 1,2,3 and 4. On Gold days, we have 90 minute sessions of classes 5,6, and 7. The empty block where period fits in on a blue day is called an X-period, which is often used for tutoring. Technically, after seventh period, at 1:15pm every gold day, school's done. Most stay on campus to chill.

There are several days during the school year when we have seven period days. It's the two days put together in 45-minute sessions. The seven period day is the least enjoyable one. Last yet we had 10+. Today was the only seven period day this year.

Which, in my laymen's term, was BALLN.

My first day went pretty well. I ended up with most of the people I like and know in most of my classes. I have one best friend in four of my seven classes which is a good odd. My schedule is:

1- Ap Language
2- Ap US History
3- Algebra II/Trig
4- Religion
5- Psychology
6- Honors Chemistry
7- Drumline.

Let's see. I have Erin Kilduff in my First and Fourth classes. BIG PLUSS. =] I have James back to back in periods two and three; can you say baller? I've got Mizzle in Psych with Ari too. Honors Chem... I don't have close friends but I have a lot of friends in it. Prydekker and Hannah and lots of other cool kids with Mr. Wank, pronounced WONK. Haha. Then Drumline... eee boy...... I was going to transfer out of Psych and take Spanish Three but then decided to screw it. I'll take it over summer. I like the people in my classes and schedules too much.

I have a funny story to tell; Today in psychology, we seated in alphabetical order. Mrs. Reif, pronounced RIFE, had each one of us stand up, introduce ourselves, say our grade, where we came from, and a random fact about ourselves. So Devin went before me and I went after. MichelleMay, Junior, St.C, and my favorite color is green. So the footbal player senior behind me went. I don't even remember his name. Then Ryan Davis went. And his random fact was, "And I like the color green too." So Mrs. Reif goes, "Wow, original. You just stole that from her." Then the football player sitting behind me goes, "I think he wants your number." That cracked me up for the rest of the day.

Another funny story; Our campus has a whole bunch of gnats just flying about. I swear there's a storage room of dead bodies somewhere that attract them. Anyways, we were walking, Camille and I, and I go. Man I can't stand all theses gnats in my face. Camille goes Me too! Or something like that... So a little while later, I go, Man whenever I think of the word gnats, it reminds of the word gnads. I got all these gnads in my face. Now whenever we walk around campus, Camille and I scream the offensive phrase, "GOT ALL THESE GNADS IN MY FACE!"

It was a good first day. I liked it. I have a good feeling about this year.

Finished most my homework before five thirty. That's a first. After I'm done writing this, I'm going to work out for a song or two and then shower. I'll get things ready for tomorrow then head to sleep.

The only downside of starting school up again is having to sleep earlier.

You can't win, can you?

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