Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Five Days

I don't remember if I was counting the days before the second of September or the days until and counting September 2nd. Anyways, here's the update on what's been going on.

Band camp was tiring. Today was the final day and it went over well. Bass drum is fine but as mentioned before... I'd rather be on a snare.

Skit night was tonight. My group name was Krayola with a backwards K. Our skit was the dark colors versus the light aka the upperclassmen versus the underclassmen. It was pretty good. It was funny. People laughed. We won't know results until next week.

Tomorrow is orientation for the freshmen. I'm one of the big sisters, big brother people. It'll be good... I guess.

I've made progress on the APUSH homework. I got through chapter two. Now I just have to do chapters three and four. Unfortunately, those just happened to be the longer ones. So I have to haul ass. I still have to also finish the last 52 pages of Grapes of Wrath... but now I barely remember the story. Whatever.

September two not only marks the start of school but the start of my year and half long conidioning. Nothing will stop between me and my position on snare.

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